
Chest and arms of a white person (gender not known) wearing orangey sweater and bangles, typing on a laptop, situated on a wooden table

“Emily’s gentle and caring demeanour makes it easy to relax and open up. I really appreciated how she kept a structure to the session while also accompanying me in my own way of responding. She listens really well. I highly recommend!”

- Robin Amy, Rwanda

Smiling non-binary person with white skin, short brown hair, with a teal highlight, nose and ear hoops, red headphones, a jean jacket and mustard sweater.

“I felt the space you created, even over zoom, was sacred and confidential. I found it very easy to open up and be real with you, and you offered great ideas of what my husband and I could introduce into our lives and routine.”

- Carlita, Kingston, Ontario

Black couple, eyes closed. Man wearing black Nike t-shirt and black speckled baseball cap, kissing forehead of woman wearing off the shoulder, white knit dress and silver necklace..

“Emily was a skilled and sensitive coach who did a fantastic job of setting the stage, leading me through our coaching experience, and thoughtfully debriefing. I gained a lot of insight into myself from working with Emily. I would recommend her to anyone looking to look deeper into themselves and their relationships.”

- Ivy M., Toronto, Ontario

A man and woman sitting on a stone bench, looking back at the camera, both of Middle Eastern decent, with short hair and wearing red. She has a black hat on, and he wears glasses

“Emily was very empathetic, encouraging and kind while also helping me investigate my triggers and allowing me a safe space to offload my feelings. I felt like a thousand pounds were lifted off my back.”

- Tiffany, Alberta

Woman of Asian ancestry wearing green sweater, jeans, a navy tuque and glasses, sitting on a couch with colorful pillows, with their feet on a table, typing on a laptop.

“Emily has so much wisdom, knowledge, and passion to share with every body about relationships with ourselves and our desires. Her course was informative and challenged each of us at the place we currently were. Not an easy feat to achieve.”

- Cindy, Kingston, Ontario

Cropped image of a thin, white woman wearing black mesh glove, short black dress, black lacey thigh highs, holding a black crop.

“Emily is a fantastic coach, I really enjoyed working with her. I really appreciate her active listening and ability to set the scene for the session. She expanded my mind on what a Dom-Sub relationship is and different ways it can be in the real world. She helped me discover new ways of tapping into my empowerment with techniques and tools I could take with me. I look forward to more sessions!”

- Harmony, Kingston, Ontario

Voluptuous white woman sitting on a red couch, with shoulder length blond hair, white tshirt, arm tattoos and jeans, reading a book, with a small white dog beside her

“Emily is a kind, open-hearted, and attentive practitioner who made me feel safe and comfortable in the time we had together. She recommended a really helpful book and provided some great exercises for me to work on independently. I highly recommend her!” 

- M.D., Kingston, Ontario

“Emily made me feel very comfortable to share what was personal to me and was so affirming.  I would recommend Emily who will meet you where you are at.“

- Jo Reynolds, Kingston, Ontario

“I came in not knowing what to expect and found a warm and knowledgeable leader in Emily and a very kind and accepting group of women. It was a really good exploration.“

- Anonymous, Kingston, Ontario